When I only lifted Raw, I loved going to a meet and out lifting someone in a bench shirt or a squat suit. I used to think before someone puts on gear they should be able to squat 600, bench 400, and pull 600, but I don’t feel that way anymore. Now I think that if someone wants to start their career lifting in gear it’s perfectly okay. I think this because it takes so long to learn how to lift in gear. It’s like a completely different sport and it’s far easier to coach someone in gear when you don’t have to change their raw groove. I will say that if a person is lifting in gear, they still need to be doing raw work. There is no substitute for the horse power you get from raw work. It is also of great beneficial for a raw lifter to put on some gear from time to time and handle bigger weights. That is the great benefit of the Bench Daddy and other gear of that class. What are your thoughts?
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